Sunday, November 14, 2010

Covini Amazing Car Pictures

Created by Italian Ferruccio Covini, founder of Covini Engineering, the Covini C6W supercar is a design Ferruccio spent three decades perfecting. After the invention of hydro-pneumatic suspensions the ’80′s brought the actual creation of a six-wheeled car into the realm of possibility, Ferrucio set about making his dream a reality. Collaboratively, Covini Engineering spent years laboring over the Convini C6W, finally unveiling it to the public at the Geneva Auto Show in 2004. After its big debut though, nothing more was heard about the Convini C6W until now. Apparently deciding a period when the world’s wealthiest nation is roiled with economic trouble is the perfect time to release a new uber luxury car, beginning in 2009, the Convini C6W will begin a limited production schedule, offering a mere 6 units a year to the consuming public

Covini Amazing Car Pictures
Covini Amazing Car Pictures
Covini Amazing Car Pictures
Covini Amazing Car Pictures
Covini Amazing Car Pictures
Covini Amazing Car Pictures
Covini Amazing Car Pictures
Covini Amazing Car Pictures